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2010 제2회 정보전자융합공학부 국제심포지엄

  • 포항공과대학교
  • Dr. T. Russell Hsing,Prof. Ken Christensen,Prof. Gianaurelio Cuniberti,Prof. Chong-Yung Chi,Prof. Nader Pourmand,Prof. Sang Hoon Lee,Prof. Hongli Zhang
  • 주제분류
    공학 >컴퓨터ㆍ통신 >정보통신공학
  • 강의학기
    2010년 2학기
  • 조회수
U-Health approach to deliver quality and affordable health care to the citizens has been gaining popularity in Korea and other industrialized nations. To achieve this objective, advances in IT,BT & the emerging field of NT are critical. More importantly, practical implementation requires convergence of these disciplines.
Vehicular Networks and Telematics Applications: Challenges and Opportunities
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Vehicular Networks and Telematics Applications: Challenges and Opportunities During the past two decades, Asia has a tremendous business success in IC and PC for the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) industry. Now the urgent question is: What is the next star industry in the ICT area, which could keep the growth momentum going during this knowledge-based economic era? Based on experiences and understanding in ICT industry, this talk will propose that “Vehicular Networks and Telematics Applications” should be one of the idea candidates now. In the future, each automotive vehicle will be a unique node on the global communications In the future, each automotive vehicle will be a unique node on the global communications network. The networks in turn will support interactions within the automobile, with the surrounding environment, over conventional communications systems and also directly with nearby vehicles. Many potential applications that could be supported include safety, health and status of the automobile, user services, passenger entertainment, and more efficient use of the transportation and telecommunications infrastructure. This talk will address how such a vast service and the network system can be scaled, supported, reliable and economical. Important issues are the maturity of the technology, the value of the services performed, the business models and rationale for creating such networks in the first place, and the complex regulatory regime and standards that must be established. URL
문서 Vehicular Networks and Telematics Applications: Challenges and Opportunities During the past two decades, Asia has a tremendous business success in IC and PC for the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) industry. Now the urgent question is: What is the next star industry in the ICT area, which could keep the growth momentum going during this knowledge-based economic era? Based on experiences and understanding in ICT industry, this talk will propose that “Vehicular Networks and Telematics Applications” should be one of the idea candidates now. In the future, each automotive vehicle will be a unique node on the global communications In the future, each automotive vehicle will be a unique node on the global communications network. The networks in turn will support interactions within the automobile, with the surrounding environment, over conventional communications systems and also directly with nearby vehicles. Many potential applications that could be supported include safety, health and status of the automobile, user services, passenger entertainment, and more efficient use of the transportation and telecommunications infrastructure. This talk will address how such a vast service and the network system can be scaled, supported, reliable and economical. Important issues are the maturity of the technology, the value of the services performed, the business models and rationale for creating such networks in the first place, and the complex regulatory regime and standards that must be established. 소스URL
2. 비디오 GREEN NETWORKS: REDUCING DIRECT AND INDUCED ENERGY CONSUMPTION ICT is a direct contributor to more than 2% of global CO2 emissions, and this is expected to nearly double in the near future. Electricity costs are a major operational expense for network operators and users. Energy consumption of networks can be categorized into direct and induced. Direct is energy used by network links and equipment (routers, switches, access points, etc.), but not end devices. Induced is the incremental additional energy used for a higher power state of end devices needed to maintain network connectivity. In this talk, I will cover new methods for reducing both direct and induced energy use. Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE), or IEEE 802.3az, is an emerging standard that addresses direct energy use of Ethernet links. I will describe performance modeling of EEE focusing on new packet coalescing methods that can improve EEE energy savings. I will also describe current work in a Periodically Paused Switched Ethernet (PPSE) scheme whereby traffic shaping can enable switches to sleep. Reducing induced energy use is addressed by the recently finalized Ecma TC38-TG4 standard for proxying support for sleep modes in network hosts. I will describe ongoing work in developing proxies for a range of network protocols and applications, including SIP phones. I will conclude the talk with a discussion of some open problems and next steps for further reducing energy consumption of both ICT and non-ICT equipment, systems, and processes focusing on the role of networks. URL
문서 GREEN NETWORKS: REDUCING DIRECT AND INDUCED ENERGY CONSUMPTION ICT is a direct contributor to more than 2% of global CO2 emissions, and this is expected to nearly double in the near future. Electricity costs are a major operational expense for network operators and users. Energy consumption of networks can be categorized into direct and induced. Direct is energy used by network links and equipment (routers, switches, access points, etc.), but not end devices. Induced is the incremental additional energy used for a higher power state of end devices needed to maintain network connectivity. In this talk, I will cover new methods for reducing both direct and induced energy use. Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE), or IEEE 802.3az, is an emerging standard that addresses direct energy use of Ethernet links. I will describe performance modeling of EEE focusing on new packet coalescing methods that can improve EEE energy savings. I will also describe current work in a Periodically Paused Switched Ethernet (PPSE) scheme whereby traffic shaping can enable switches to sleep. Reducing induced energy use is addressed by the recently finalized Ecma TC38-TG4 standard for proxying support for sleep modes in network hosts. I will describe ongoing work in developing proxies for a range of network protocols and applications, including SIP phones. I will conclude the talk with a discussion of some open problems and next steps for further reducing energy consumption of both ICT and non-ICT equipment, systems, and processes focusing on the role of networks. 소스URL
3. 비디오 Bioelectronics: Challenges, Pitfalls, Perspectives Nucleic acids and proteins are not only biologically important polymers. They have recently been recognized as novel functional materials surpassing the conventional materials in many aspects. Although Herculean efforts have been undertaken to unravel fine functioning mechanisms of the biopolymers in question, there is still much more to be done. Here the topic of biomolecular charge transport is presented with a particular focus on charge available theories, of charge transfer/
transport along these biopolymers are critically reviewed and analyzed. The electrical conductance of DNA and proteins remains a subject of intense research. While many scientists seem to have completely abandoned the use of DNA as molecular wires, favoring carbon nanowires or nanotubes, DNA molecules still possess the strong advantage of self-assembly and extreme specificity. Proteins might not be intended as wires but their electrical conductivities surely play a big role in their function as structural/transport units, or enzymes. In fact, some of their properties might trigger their use (in crystallized form) as new materials for electrodes, electronic devices, and sensors. In this presentation, several concepts relating to the theory of transport in DNA and molecules are highlighted.
문서 Bioelectronics: Challenges, Pitfalls, Perspectives Nucleic acids and proteins are not only biologically important polymers. They have recently been recognized as novel functional materials surpassing the conventional materials in many aspects. Although Herculean efforts have been undertaken to unravel fine functioning mechanisms of the biopolymers in question, there is still much more to be done. Here the topic of biomolecular charge transport is presented with a particular focus on charge available theories, of charge transfer/
transport along these biopolymers are critically reviewed and analyzed. The electrical conductance of DNA and proteins remains a subject of intense research. While many scientists seem to have completely abandoned the use of DNA as molecular wires, favoring carbon nanowires or nanotubes, DNA molecules still possess the strong advantage of self-assembly and extreme specificity. Proteins might not be intended as wires but their electrical conductivities surely play a big role in their function as structural/transport units, or enzymes. In fact, some of their properties might trigger their use (in crystallized form) as new materials for electrodes, electronic devices, and sensors. In this presentation, several concepts relating to the theory of transport in DNA and molecules are highlighted.
4. 비디오 Non-Negative Blind Source Separation for Biomedical Image Analysis Non-negative blind source separation (nBSS) is an essential technique to extract non-negative source signals from observations without information on how the source signals are mixed in the observations. Significant endeavors in developing nBSS are driven by the growing demand in qualitative yet quantitative biomedical image analysis. The primary challenge of the existing imaging modalities is the inadequate spatial resolution, which consequently makes the value of each image pixel, a mixture of multiple non-negative dependent source signals (e.g., normal and tumor tissues in biomedical images). Such “mixed pixel problem” would seriously degrade the efficacy of image analysis tools for clinical cancer diagnosis. In this talk, two novel nBSS algorithms, namely, non-negative least correlated component analysis (nLCA) [1] and convex analysis of mixtures of non-negative sources (CAMNS) [2], will be introduced, which, in contrast to independent component analysis based nBSS methods, were recently invented without any source statistical independence assumption. What makes these algorithms exceptional is their ability to exploit convex analysis and optimization theory to pave the way for novel nBSS criteria along with rigorous theoretical proof for perfect source separation. Furthermore, they can be efficiently implemented by using any readily available convex optimization solvers and MATLAB source codes of nLCA and CAMNS can be found at http://www.ee.nthu.edu.tw/cychi/. We will present some interesting experimental results with real dynamic fluorescent images, dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance images (DCE-MRI), and fluorescence microcopy images, which are highly consistent with biomedical and biological expectation.
[1] F.-Y. Wang, C.-Y. Chi, T.-H. Chan, and Y. Wang, “Nonnegative least correlated component analysis for separation of dependent sources by volume maximization,” IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 875-888, May 2010.
[2] T.-H. Chan, W.-K. Ma, C.-Y. Chi and Y. Wang, “A convex analysis framework for blind separation of non-negative sources,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 56, no. 10, pp. 5120–5134, Oct. 2008.
Keywords: Blind source separation, convex analysis and optimization, biomedical image analysis
문서 Non-Negative Blind Source Separation for Biomedical Image Analysis Non-negative blind source separation (nBSS) is an essential technique to extract non-negative source signals from observations without information on how the source signals are mixed in the observations. Significant endeavors in developing nBSS are driven by the growing demand in qualitative yet quantitative biomedical image analysis. The primary challenge of the existing imaging modalities is the inadequate spatial resolution, which consequently makes the value of each image pixel, a mixture of multiple non-negative dependent source signals (e.g., normal and tumor tissues in biomedical images). Such “mixed pixel problem” would seriously degrade the efficacy of image analysis tools for clinical cancer diagnosis. In this talk, two novel nBSS algorithms, namely, non-negative least correlated component analysis (nLCA) [1] and convex analysis of mixtures of non-negative sources (CAMNS) [2], will be introduced, which, in contrast to independent component analysis based nBSS methods, were recently invented without any source statistical independence assumption. What makes these algorithms exceptional is their ability to exploit convex analysis and optimization theory to pave the way for novel nBSS criteria along with rigorous theoretical proof for perfect source separation. Furthermore, they can be efficiently implemented by using any readily available convex optimization solvers and MATLAB source codes of nLCA and CAMNS can be found at http://www.ee.nthu.edu.tw/cychi/. We will present some interesting experimental results with real dynamic fluorescent images, dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance images (DCE-MRI), and fluorescence microcopy images, which are highly consistent with biomedical and biological expectation.
[1] F.-Y. Wang, C.-Y. Chi, T.-H. Chan, and Y. Wang, “Nonnegative least correlated component analysis for separation of dependent sources by volume maximization,” IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 875-888, May 2010.
[2] T.-H. Chan, W.-K. Ma, C.-Y. Chi and Y. Wang, “A convex analysis framework for blind separation of non-negative sources,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 56, no. 10, pp. 5120–5134, Oct. 2008.
Keywords: Blind source separation, convex analysis and optimization, biomedical image analysis
5. 비디오 STING: A NEW PLATFORM FOR LABEL-FREE BIOSENSING Medical diagnostics and biomedical research rely on the sensitive detection of biomolecules in complex environment. The most common assays for biomolecule detection require treating a sample with reagents such as fluorescent labels, which are then read using an optical device. Our group has developed a sensing platform that can give real-time feedback using an electrical signal, with no added labeling reagents. The STING platform (Signal Transduction by Ion Nano-Gating) transforms a simple quartz nanopipette into a versatile sensor that can be customized to detect many types of particles in solution. The sensors are remarkable for their extremely low detection limits, ease of fabrication, and nanoscale geometry. We are currently developing applications for this unique sensing platform including detection of cancer biomarkers and single-cell analyses.
The STING signal originates when a potential is applied across the nanoscale pore of a quartz pipette. The resulting ionic current is extremely sensitive to variations in electrical charge or molecular binding around the pore. By immobilizing antibodies and other molecular receptors to the quartz surface, the sensor is selective for target molecules. Unlike lab-on-a-chip technology, the sensor tip can be positioned and manipulated to determine the position of biomarkers in distinct regions of a cell. Toward this end, we are combining feedback-control of STING sensor position with a microfabricated cell sifter chip. Applications that combine these technologies include mapping of individual proteins on a cell surface, novel methods for delivering DNA and proteins into cells, and intracellular detection of biomarkers.
Keyword: biomarkers, detection, STING, biosensor, nanopipette
문서 STING: A NEW PLATFORM FOR LABEL-FREE BIOSENSING Medical diagnostics and biomedical research rely on the sensitive detection of biomolecules in complex environment. The most common assays for biomolecule detection require treating a sample with reagents such as fluorescent labels, which are then read using an optical device. Our group has developed a sensing platform that can give real-time feedback using an electrical signal, with no added labeling reagents. The STING platform (Signal Transduction by Ion Nano-Gating) transforms a simple quartz nanopipette into a versatile sensor that can be customized to detect many types of particles in solution. The sensors are remarkable for their extremely low detection limits, ease of fabrication, and nanoscale geometry. We are currently developing applications for this unique sensing platform including detection of cancer biomarkers and single-cell analyses.
The STING signal originates when a potential is applied across the nanoscale pore of a quartz pipette. The resulting ionic current is extremely sensitive to variations in electrical charge or molecular binding around the pore. By immobilizing antibodies and other molecular receptors to the quartz surface, the sensor is selective for target molecules. Unlike lab-on-a-chip technology, the sensor tip can be positioned and manipulated to determine the position of biomarkers in distinct regions of a cell. Toward this end, we are combining feedback-control of STING sensor position with a microfabricated cell sifter chip. Applications that combine these technologies include mapping of individual proteins on a cell surface, novel methods for delivering DNA and proteins into cells, and intracellular detection of biomarkers.
Keyword: biomarkers, detection, STING, biosensor, nanopipette
6. 비디오 Multichannel Flexible and Biocompatible Microelectrode for biomedical applications Connection between human and machine is one of emerging technologies for robot control, prosthesis and consumer electronic products. Flexible and biocompatible electrode is the key factor of this interfacing, and several electrodes were developed using polymeric substrates. Here, the overall review of recent man-machine interfacing technology will be presented at first focusing on biomedical application. Next, our experiences of flexible and biocompatible polyimide electrode will be introduced. This electrode consists of 40 multi channels and connected to electric-connector via ACF based bonding technology, which is very easy packaging method and the bonding time was less than 3 minutes. With this electrode, we measured the EEG signals from the skull of mouse, and the cyto-toxicity and biocompatibility tests were carried out. The measurement was successful. The electrode for body area network was also developed using PI substrate and PDMS encapsulation technology [1]. The PDMS was used to enhance the long-term skin compatibility, and the communication through the skin was successfully performed. URL
문서 Multichannel Flexible and Biocompatible Microelectrode for biomedical applications Connection between human and machine is one of emerging technologies for robot control, prosthesis and consumer electronic products. Flexible and biocompatible electrode is the key factor of this interfacing, and several electrodes were developed using polymeric substrates. Here, the overall review of recent man-machine interfacing technology will be presented at first focusing on biomedical application. Next, our experiences of flexible and biocompatible polyimide electrode will be introduced. This electrode consists of 40 multi channels and connected to electric-connector via ACF based bonding technology, which is very easy packaging method and the bonding time was less than 3 minutes. With this electrode, we measured the EEG signals from the skull of mouse, and the cyto-toxicity and biocompatibility tests were carried out. The measurement was successful. The electrode for body area network was also developed using PI substrate and PDMS encapsulation technology [1]. The PDMS was used to enhance the long-term skin compatibility, and the communication through the skin was successfully performed. 소스URL
7. 비디오 Towards Building a Secure Infrastructure on Internet To meet the increasing requirement of users for flexibility, scalability and efficiency, Internet is undergoing a new technological revolution. Various novel network and computing infrastructures emerge, such as Internet of things, cloud computing, Cyber-Physical System. All of these are based on Internet, though Internet is less reliable and less secure. Then the question arises: Can we build a secure infrastructure on Internet?
Internet is a map of real world. More and more human activities are moving online besides work, daily life and entertainment. In the real world, security is to keep the order of society which focuses on legal relationship. In the virtual world, security is more complex. One of the main reasons is losing the authenticity of person, which makes it very difficult to identify a real subject or object behind a virtual name. Another reason is from IT technology itself, as well known, such as various flaws and vulnerabilities brought during design, implementation and maintenance. But even so, we are making great efforts to develop a top level design of security to overcome these inherent weaknesses.
This talk will discuss the challenges and principles on building a secure infrastructure on Internet. We will use P2P network as an example to illustrate how to improve system security from the adversary and manager’s point of view.
문서 Towards Building a Secure Infrastructure on Internet To meet the increasing requirement of users for flexibility, scalability and efficiency, Internet is undergoing a new technological revolution. Various novel network and computing infrastructures emerge, such as Internet of things, cloud computing, Cyber-Physical System. All of these are based on Internet, though Internet is less reliable and less secure. Then the question arises: Can we build a secure infrastructure on Internet?
Internet is a map of real world. More and more human activities are moving online besides work, daily life and entertainment. In the real world, security is to keep the order of society which focuses on legal relationship. In the virtual world, security is more complex. One of the main reasons is losing the authenticity of person, which makes it very difficult to identify a real subject or object behind a virtual name. Another reason is from IT technology itself, as well known, such as various flaws and vulnerabilities brought during design, implementation and maintenance. But even so, we are making great efforts to develop a top level design of security to overcome these inherent weaknesses.
This talk will discuss the challenges and principles on building a secure infrastructure on Internet. We will use P2P network as an example to illustrate how to improve system security from the adversary and manager’s point of view.

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