
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    자연과학 >수학ㆍ물리ㆍ천문ㆍ지리 >수학
  • 강의학기
    2012년 1학기
  • 조회수
This course is designed to acquaint students in mathematical and physical sciences and engineering with the fundamental theory of numerical analysis.
Preliminaries. Error:its sources, propagation, and analysis
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Preliminaries. Error:its sources, propagation, and analysis Introduce some mathematical preliminaries URL
비디오 Root finding for Nonlinear Equations This course introduce a well known root finding methods such as Bisection Method, Newtons Method URL
2. 비디오 Root finding for Nonlinear Equations Root finding for nonlinear equations with Secent method, Fixed-Point Iteration method and Aitkens extrapolation formula. URL
3. 비디오 Systems of Nonlinear Equations Introduce some methods to find a root of nonlinear equations URL
비디오 Interpolation Theory (1) Interpolate and approximate URL
4. 비디오 Interpolation Theory (2) Interpolate and approximate URL
5. 비디오 Interpolation Theory (3) Introduce an useful algorithm of Cubic Spline and B-spline URL
비디오 Interpolation Theory and Approximation of functions Introduce an useful algorithm of Cubic Spline and B-spline and compare both method. URL
6. 비디오 Approximation of functions We need to approximate a function which is difficult to calculate. There are several theorems we can use. URL
7. 비디오 Numerical Integration (1) There are many functions which we cannot integrate. Then we use Numerical Integration methods to approximate a value. URL
비디오 Numerical Integration (2) There are many functions which we cannot integrate. Then we use Numerical Integration methods to approximate a value. URL
8. 비디오 Numerical Integration (3) There are many functions which we cannot integrate. Then we use Numerical Integration methods to approximate a value. URL
9. 비디오 Numerical Integration (4) There are many functions which we cannot integrate. Then we use Numerical Integration methods to approximate a value. URL
비디오 Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations (1) Review of basic concept Ordinary Differential Equations URL
10. Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations (2) Solve some examples of initial value problem. Theorem of the existence and uniqueness and stability.
11. 비디오 Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations (3) Existence, Uniqueness, and Stability Theory URL
비디오 Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations (4) Eulers method, Multistep methods URL
12. 비디오 Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations (5) The Midpoint method, the Trapezoidal method URL
비디오 Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations (6) Runge-Kutta method URL
13. 비디오 Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations Multistep methods, Convergence, Stability theory URL
비디오 Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations , Linear Algebra Convergence, Stability regions, Vector spaces, Matrices, Linear systems URL
14. 비디오 Linear Algebra Eigenvalues and Canonical forms URL
비디오 Linear Algebra Eigenvalues and Canonical forms URL
15. 비디오 Numerical solution of systems of linear equations Gaussian elimination URL
16. 비디오 Numerical solution of systems of linear equations Error Analysis URL
비디오 Numerical solution of systems of linear equations Iteration method URL
17. 비디오 Numerical solution of systems of linear equations Conjugate Gradient Method URL
18. 비디오 Numerical solution of systems of linear equations Conjugate Gradient Method URL
비디오 Numerical solution of systems of linear equations Conjugate Gradient Method URL
19. 비디오 The matrix eienvalue problem Stability of eigenvalues for nonsymmetric matrices URL
20. 비디오 The matrix eienvalue problem Power method URL
비디오 The matrix eienvalue problem QR-method, Least squares solution URL

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