
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


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    사회과학 >경영ㆍ경제 >경영학
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Korea has been maintained its identity as a homogenous country for a very long time. However, the aging population, the reluctant natives to take up jobs in 3 D(Dirty, Dangerous, Difficult) sectors, and the immigration pressure created by the wage difference to surrounding developing countries led Korea to start its foreign workers program in 1991. In 2007, Korea is launching the permanent residence program for semi-skilled workers to fill increasing shortage of labour. In the meanwhile, the international marriages between Koreans and foreigners are the phenomenon of this decade which shocks Koreans whose founding myth has been primordial and homogenous. Now the population of foreign origin in Korea is reaching 1 million and it is talking about multicultural and multi-racial society.

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