
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    사회과학 >경영ㆍ경제 >경영학
  • 등록일자
  • 조회수
As this is an introductory course, students will have an opportunity to examine and apply when appropriate various theories/concepts about managing effectively. Utilizing the case method and self-assessment exercises, students will gain an understanding of their own personal strengths and weaknesses as it relates to managing effectively. This course is the beginning of a long journey toward achieving the skills and behaviors of effective management.

차시별 강의

1. 문서 1. What is business? Students can understand the basic concept of business. URL
2. 문서 2. The Evolution of Business Students can define various types of business management principles. URL
3. 문서 3. Entrepreneurs, Managers, and Employees Students can describe the nature of entrepreneurship. URL
4. 문서 4. Marketing and Product Development Students can describe the issues in marketing research to identify and respond to customer needs. URL
5. 문서 5. Operations and Material Management Students can describe the nature of the operations and materials management process and explain how it buildscompetitive advantage and profitability. URL
6. 문서 6. Human Resource Management Students can understand issues in the recruiting process forqualified people and the selection process. URL
7. 문서 7. Structure of Business Organization Students can identify the organizational structure and cultureas important determinants of a company’s ability to pursuea profitable business model. URL
8. 문서 8. Accounting Students can explain how the company’s stakeholders are related to financialaccounts. URL
9. 문서 9. Finance Students can identify various methods of finance capital investments and differentiate the roles of debt and equity securities in financial decision making. URL
10. 문서 10. Leadership and Motivating People Students can identify various sources of a leader’s power and understand how leaders use their power to influence others. URL
11. 문서 11. Multinationals and the Global Environment of Business Students can describe the role of multinational companies in global production and identify the way they affect thecountries in which they operate. URL
12. 문서 12. Business Ethics Students can understand the relationship between ethics and the law and appreciate its importance in business environment. URL

연관 자료


사용자 의견

강의 평가를 위해서는 로그인 해주세요. 로그인팝업


  • 강의 이용시 필요한 프로그램 [바로가기]

    ※ 강의별로 교수님의 사정에 따라 전체 차시 중 일부 차시만 공개되는 경우가 있으니 양해 부탁드립니다.
