
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    공학 >정밀ㆍ에너지 >원자력공학
  • 강의학기
    2013년 1학기
  • 조회수
This course provides the graduate students for an overview of fundamental radiochemistry and hydro geochemistry associated with environmental nuclear wastes on soils and groundwater.
Introduction of the courses
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Introduction of the courses introduction of radioactive wastes and contaminants were taught. URL
2. 비디오 Fundamentals of radiochemistry fundamentals of radiochemistry, radioactivity, and radiation were taught. URL
비디오 Fundamentals of radiochemistry (cont.) fundamentals of radiochemistry were continuously taught. URL
3. 비디오 Fundamentals of radiochemistry and wastes fundamentals of radiochemistry and wastes were taught. URL
비디오 Fundamentals of radiochemistry and wastes radioactive wastes and contamination were taught. URL
비디오 Fundamentals of radiochemistry radioactive wastes and contamination were taught. URL
4. 비디오 Actinide chemistry actinide chemistry and radiation measurements were taught. URL
비디오 Aqueous chemistry aqueous chemistry background was taught. URL
5. 비디오 Glass corrosion The complexity of glass corrosion requires deep knowledge of diffusion, interfacial heterogeneous reaction, and hydrothermal precipitation of minerals in highly multicomponent media. Basic concepts and relations are introduced. URL
6. 비디오 Chemical durability Only short-term resistance of glass against corrosion (durability) can be measured in the laboratory using a series of standardized tests. Long-term (over 105 to 106 years) durability can only be assessed. URL
비디오 crystallization and chemical durability Waste glass crystallization must not degrade glass durability. Therefore, canister-centerline cooled glasses are tested pro durability. Out of many crystalline forms, nepheline appears the most insidious. URL
7. 비디오 Waste glass processing Waste glass technology differs from commercial glass technology in many aspects: the waste is given, only additive raw materials can be selected; feed may be charged in the form of slurry; fining is not essential; etc. URL
8. 비디오 Melter feed makeup Mineral form of additives and particle size influence cold cap stability and the rate of melting. Drainage of fluxes can destabilize the cold cap, leading to cold cap freezing. Evolved gases produce foam and cavities under the cold cap. URL
비디오 Melting reactions Melting reactions release copious gasses and produce intermediate crystalline forms. Eutectic melts of molten salts attack refractory particles. Glass-forming melt tends to trap gases, creating foam. Melter feed reacts while moving down across the cold cap as the heat is conducted upward. URL
9. 비디오 Batch calculation Glass component can be present in more than one batch material. Matrix calculus is used for designing complex batches. Back calculation is essential. Feed simulants must be carefully designed. URL
비디오 Thermal analysis Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DCS) measure the kinetics of batch reaction. Batch reactions are multiple and overlapping. Evolved glass analysis (EGA) allows gas-evolving reactions to be identified. URL
10. 비디오 X-ray diffraction and microscopy Optical and electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) are used for the identification of crystalline phases in glasses and in glass batches (melter feeds) during their conversion to molten glass. URL
비디오 Segregation of molten salts As nitrates and carbonates decompose, areas occupied by molten salts shrink leaving behind sulfates, chromates, pertechnetates, chlorides). These sparsely-soluble components accumulate in droplets and are transported to the melt surface. URL
11. 비디오 Silica (quartz) dissolution Quartz, the major feed component, initially reacts with molten salts and then dissolves in melt via diffusion. Diffusion is affected by the formation, growth and motion of gas bubbles. Large grains tend to cluster. URL
비디오 Silica (quartz) dissolution Quartz, the major feed component, initially reacts with molten salts and then dissolves in melt via diffusion. Diffusion is affected by the formation, growth and motion of gas bubbles. Large grains tend to cluster. URL
12. 비디오 Volatilization Volatile species evaporate from the cold cap and escape from the melt to bubbles and the atmosphere. Their Henry’s coefficients are large. The rate of volatilization is controlled by diffusion both in gas and melt. Buoyancy-driven and surface-tension-gradient-driven convection in melt enhance volatilization. URL
비디오 Redox equilibria Multivalent species are common in waste glasses. Redox reactions generate oxygen bubbles and metal droplets. Redox ratio increases as temperature increases and optical basicity decreases. URL
13. 비디오 Foaming Batch gases generate primary foam, redox reaction lead to secondary foam. Foam accumulated under the cold cap slows the melting process by reducing heat transfer. Foam collapses through met drainage and breaking the liquid films separating foam cells. URL
비디오 Settling of solids Solids of crystalline phases (spinel) can settle on the melter bottom and can block the melt discharge. Crystals settle while growing and dissolving in the melt and form a dense sludge that can be electrically conductive. URL
14. 비디오 Glass melters Joule-heated melters use resistance heating via inconel electrodes. Induction-heated melters generate heat electromagnetically either in the crucible wall or within the melt. URL
비디오 Modeling The basic balance laws with constitutive relations form a system of coupled field equations to be solved for problems defined by the boundary conditions. Mathematical models of melters display the electric, temperature, and velocity fields in molten glass and furnace atmosphere. Models can also include redox equilibria, bubble behavior, and solid particle growth, dissolution, and settling. URL
15. 비디오 Refractory end electrode corrosion Molten glass and salts corrode refractory walls of melters by dissolving refractory materials via diffusion under free or forced convection. Intergranular diffusion is also common. Surface tension gradients drive melt-line corrosion and bubble/droplet drilling. URL
Revision Topics selected by students are further elucidated.

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