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글로벌 인재포럼 2007: 교육 훈련재정 매카니즘

  • 글로벌 인재포럼
  • Harry Anthony Patrinos(World Bank), Nicholas Barr(London School of Economics), ,Miguel Palacios
  • 주제분류
    사회과학 >경영ㆍ경제 >경영학
  • 등록일자
  • 조회수
Securing and efficiently allocating financial resources are crucial to the success of governmental HRD efforts. Demands are high for a new approach to HRD investment, implying the need to take a fresh look at such questions as: Who will bear the costs of education and training, to what extent?; How will funds be allocated and spent? and How can the outcomes of investment be measured?. This session will deal with alternative ways to secure funds for lifelong education, financially support individual training, and evaluate ROI (e.g. improvements in profitability, employment rates, etc.).

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