
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    공학 >컴퓨터ㆍ통신 >소프트웨어공학
  • 강의학기
    2017년 2학기
  • 조회수
  • 평점
    5/5.0 (1)
In this class, students learn the concept of a UNIX/LINUX system, interface, and programming, and so on. This class also provides practical programming experiences based on the usage of various system resources such as a file, process, thread, network, and I/O. This course is proceeded with lectures given by the instructor. System programming concepts in UNIX are explained with real example codes. Some homeworks are given to students for better understanding of lecture content. Students are evaluated with mid-term, final exam, and programming project.
Introduction to UNIX systems
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Introduction to UNIX systems Learn how to use LINUX systems Learn fundamental LINUX commands URL
2. 비디오 Introduction to UNIX systems Learn how to use LINUX systems Learn fundamental LINUX commands URL
3. 비디오 1. Technology's impact on Programs Introduce major ideas and themes in computer systems URL
4. 비디오 2. Programs, Processes and Threads Learn concepts of programs, processes and threads URL
5. 비디오 3. Process in UNIX Learn how to create processes Experiment with fork function URL
6. 비디오 3. Process in UNIX Exampe1~4 URL
7. 비디오 3. Process in UNIX Wait() function, exec() function URL
8. 비디오 3. Process in UNIX exec() function, exit() function URL
9. 비디오 3. Process in UNIX Writing URL
10. 비디오 3. Process in UNIX closing, lseek URL
11. 비디오 3. Process in UNIX Flie pointers, Inheritance of file descriptors, Line buffering example, Filters and redirection, Redirection in C program, URL
12. 비디오 3. Process in UNIX Files and Directories, directory, pathname, File status information URL
13. 비디오 3. Process in UNIX UNIX File Implementaion, inode, Hard Links and Symblic Links, Symblic Link API URL
14. 비디오 8. Signals Basic signal concept, Generating signals URL
15. 비디오 8. Signals Catching/ignoring signals examples, Waiting for signals, Sigsuspend URL
비디오 8. Signals Sigwait, Errors and Async-signal safety, Sigsetjmp and siglongjmp, Programming with asynchronous I/O, aio_cancel URL
비디오 9. Times and Timers POSIX Times, Time in seconds, Displaying date and time, Using real0 time clocks, Sleep functions URL
비디오 9. Times and Timers POSIX, Timer drift, Motivation, Threads, Multitasking URL
비디오 9. Times and Timers Processes vs. threads, User space, Thread management, Creating a thread, Detaching, Joining, Exiting, Cancellation URL
비디오 9. Times and Timers, 13. Thread Synchronization Passing parameters and returning values, Wrong parameter passing, Thread safety URL
비디오 13. Thread Synchronization Creation/initialization, Destroy, Locking/unlocking, At Most Once execution, At Least Once execution, Motivation, Overview, Condition variacle URL
비디오 13. Thread Synchronization Signal handing and threads URL

연관 자료


사용자 의견

강의 평가를 위해서는 로그인 해주세요.
운영자2023-07-21 08:59
KOCW입니다. KOCW는 학교의 자체적인 자료제공으로 무료서비스 되고 있습니다. 건국대학교에서는 학교 측의 안내에 따라 강의자료가 제공되지 않습니다. 이용에 참고바랍니다.


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