
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    공학 >컴퓨터ㆍ통신 >컴퓨터공학
  • 강의학기
    2012년 2학기
  • 조회수
The course is intended to:

a. Present concepts and major topics of Network Security

b. Introduce technologies of basic cryptography, network security applications and system security

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 SSH & WLAN Security 1. SSH 2. IEEE802.11 wireless Lan Overview 3. IEEE802/802.11 Protocal Architecture 4. Wi-Fi Alliance 5. 802.11 Network Components&Architecture 6. IEEE 802.11 Service URL
2. 비디오 Wireless Network Security(2) 1. RSN Services and Protocol 2. RSN Cryptographic Algorithms 3. 802.11i Phases of Operation 4. 802.11i Key Management Phase 5. 802.11i Protected Data Transfer Phase 6. IEEE 802.11i Pseudorandom Function 7. WAP URL
3. 비디오 Wireless Network Security(3) 1. WAP, WAE, WSP, WTP, WDP 2. WTLS 3. WAP End-to-End Security URL
4. 비디오 Electronic Mail Security(1) 1. PGP Operation (Authentication, Confidentiality, Compression, E-mail compatibility) 2. Cryptographic Keys and Key Rings 3. Key Identifiers URL
5. 비디오 Electronic Mail Security(2) 1. PGP Key Ring(Private key ring, Public key ring) 2. PGP Message Generation 3. PGP Message Reception URL
6. 비디오 Electronic Mail Security(3) 1. Operation of Trust Processing 2. Revoking Public keys 3. S/MIME 4. RFC 5322 5. MIME 6. User Agent Role 7. Enhanced Security Services 8. DKIM URL
7. 비디오 IP Security(1) 1. IP Security Overview 2. Security Association 3.Security Association Database 4. Security Policy Database 5. Host SPD Example 6. Encapsulating Security Payload 7. ESP format URL
8. 비디오 IP Security(2) 1. Encapsulating Security Payload 2. Combining Security Association 3. Internet Key Exchange 4. Cryptographic Suites URL

연관 자료


사용자 의견

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