
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


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    자연과학 >수학ㆍ물리ㆍ천문ㆍ지리 >통계학
  • 강의학기
    2019년 2학기
  • 조회수
보건 데이터를 다룸에 있어서 필요한 통계적 기법들을 예시 위주로 다룹니다.

차시별 강의

1. 문서 Course Intro What is biostatistics? One real world example. What we are going to learn? URL
2. 문서 Study Design Study Design: Observational and Randomized; Discussion on Research question and appropriate Study designs for each senario. URL
3. 문서 Quantifying the extent of Disease / Summarizing Data Collected in the Sample Learn some terms, prevalence, Incidence, Risk Difference, Population Attributable Risk, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio; Also learned some sampling methods, ROC, EER URL
4. 문서 Real Data Analysis (BRFSS data), search for open big data in Public Health Research Real world big data analysis using BRFSS data; More discussion on publicly available open big data sets in Public Health Reserach URL
5. 문서 Confidence Interval, R for Data Science(dplyr, ggplot) Learned CI for one sample, two sample continuous, and categorical outcomes, CI for RD, RR, and OR; Also learned R data analysis URL
6. 문서 More details on CI calculation for OR and RR; solved quiz problems CI derivation for OR using delta method and CLT; In practice CI derivation for RR; Solved other quiz problems URL
7. 문서 Hypothesis Testing Hypothesis testing for one, two samples for continuous and dichotomous outcomes; URL
8. 문서 Multivariate Methods; Sample Size Calculation linear regression, logistic regression; Sample size calculation for diverse senarios URL
9. 문서 How to read Research papers Discussion on how to read Research papers in Public Health Research URL
10. 문서 Nonparametric methods; Survival analysis 1 Learned concepts for sign test, wilcoxon signed rank test, wilcoxon rank sum tests; Learned time to event variables, cencering, and Kaplan Meier approach URL
11. 문서 Team based work for Team project How to search research papers; Discuss topics for team project; How to visualize findings URL
12. 문서 Survival analysis 2 ; Multiple Testing log-rank test, Cox-proportional hazard regression; basic multiple testing methods; bonferroni, holms for FWER, and Benjamini and Hochberg for FDR. URL

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