
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    사회과학 >경영ㆍ경제 >경영학
  • 등록일자
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1)understanding firm behaviour in terms of revenue and growth

2)examining firm behaviour in terms of theoretical and practical perspectives

3)developing a critical view as an alternative to existing explanations to firm behaviour

*참고문헌 1)Text Book: Hill & Jones (2007), Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach (8th ed.), Houghton Mifflin

2)2 Papers/ week: uploaded at web before class

차시별 강의

1. 문서 Topic 1. Strategy & Strategic Leadership Text: chapter 1 Paper: 1)Porter, 1996. What is strategy? HBR. 2)Eisenhardt & Sull, 2001. Strategy as simple rules, HBR. *with course introduction URL
문서 Topic 1. Strategy & Strategic Leadership Text: chapter 1 Paper: 1)Porter, 1996. What is strategy? HBR. 2)Eisenhardt & Sull, 2001. Strategy as simple rules, HBR. *with course introduction URL
2. 문서 Topic 2. Firm & Environment Text: chapter 2 Paper: 1)Porter, 1979. How competitive forces shape strategy, HBR. 2)Sull, 2005. Strategy as active waiting, HBR URL
문서 Topic 2. Firm & Environment Text: chapter 2 Paper: 1)Porter, 1979. How competitive forces shape strategy, HBR. 2)Sull, 2005. Strategy as active waiting, HBR URL
3. 문서 Topic 3. Firm & Resources Text: chapter 3 Paper: 1)Prahalad & Hamel, 1990. Core competence of the corporation, HBR. 2)de Rond, 2008. Lessons from the Oxford and Cambridge boat race, HBR. 3)Barney, 1991. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage, JoM (additional paper for reference) URL
4. 문서 Topic 4. Firm & Competitive Advantage Text: chapters 4 & 5 Paper: 1)Collis & Rukstad, 2008. Can you say what your strategy is, HBR. 2)Moore, 2005. Strategy and your stronger hand, HBR URL
5. 문서 Topic 5. Implementing Strategy(1)- Diversification Text: chapter 10 Paper: 1)Khanna & Palepu, 1997. Why focused strategies may be wrong for emerging markets, HBR. 2)Carini & EMBA class, 2008. Review on When growth stalls, HBR. 3)Olson et al., 2008. When growth stalls, HBR (additional paper for reference) URL
문서 Topic 5. Implementing Strategy(1)- Diversification Text: chapter 10 Paper: 1)Khanna & Palepu, 1997. Why focused strategies may be wrong for emerging markets, HBR. 2)Carini & EMBA class, 2008. Review on When growth stalls, HBR. 3)Olson et al., 2008. When growth stalls, HBR (additional paper for reference) URL
6. 문서 Topic 6. Implementing Strategy(2)-Innovation Text: chapters 4 & 7 Paper: 1)Iyer & Davenport, 2008. Reverse engineering_Google's innovation machine, HBR. 2)Christensen et al., 2008. Innovation Killers, HBR. URL
문서 Topic 7. Implementing Strategy(3)-Alliance Text: chapter 8 Paper: 1)MacCormack & Forbath, 2008. Learning the fine art of global collaboration, HBR. 2)Ireland et al., 2002. Alliance management as a source of competitive advantage, JoM. 3)Rothaermel & Deeds, 2006. Alliance type, alliance experience, and alliance management capability in high-technology ventures, JVB. (additional paper for reference) URL
7. 문서 Mid-term Exam Submit proposal for team presentation URL
9. 문서 Topic 9. Implementing Strategy(5)-Global market Text: chapter 8 Paper: 1)Bhattacharya & Michael, 2008. How local companies keep ultinationals at bay, HBR. 2)Chang & Rosenzweig, 2001. The choice of entry mode in sequential foreign direct investment, SMJ. 3)Chang & Park, 2005. Types of firms generating network externalities and MNCs’ co-location decisions, SMJ. (additional paper for reference) URL
10. 문서 Topic 10. Current Issues(1)-Corporate governance Text: chapter 11 Paper: 1)Lorsch & Clark, 2008. Leading from the boardroom, HBR. 2)Favaro, 2008. If private equity sized up your business_review, HBR. 3)Kwok & Tadesse, 2006. National culture and financial systems, JIBS. (additional paper for reference). 4)Bae et al., 2002. Tunneling or value added ? Evidence from mergers by Korean business groups, JoF. (additional paper for reference) URL
11. 문서 Topic 11. Current Issues(2)-Corporate social responsibility Text: chapter 11 Paper: 1)Margolis & Elfenbein, 2008. Do well by doing good_Don't count on it, HBR. 2)Norton, 2008. Help employees give away some of that bonus, HBR. 3)McGuire et al., 1988. Corporate social responsibility and firm financial performance, AMJ. (additional paper for reference). 4)Weaver et al., 1999. Integrated and decoupled corporate social performance: Management commitments, external pressures, and corporate ethics practices, AMJ. (additional paper for reference) URL
12. 문서 Topic 12. Current Issues(3)-Globalisation & Change Text: chapters 8 & 13 Paper: 1)Kanter, 2008. Transforming giants, HBR. 2)Garvin et al., 2008. Is yours a learning organization, HBR. 3)Odorici & Corrado, 2004. Between supply and demand: Intermediaries, social networks and the construction of quality in the Italian wine industry, JMG. (additional paper for reference. 4)Benjamin & Podolny, 1999. Status, quality, and social order in the California wine industry. ASQ. (additional paper for reference) URL
13. 문서 Topic 13. A New Trend in Strategic Management Text: chapter 6 Paper: 1)Kim & Mauborgne, 2004. Blue ocean strategy, HBR. 2)Kim & Mauborgne, 2005. Blue ocean strategy: From theory to practice, CMR URL
14. 문서 Topic 14. Group Work team presentation URL

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