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    사회과학 >경영ㆍ경제 >경영학
  • 강의학기
    2015년 1학기
  • 조회수
가. 교과목 학습목표

기업가정신(앙트러프러너십)의 개념과 실재에 대한 이해

나. 교과목 소개

- 기업가정신의 개념 및 중요성

- 기업가정신의 핵심요소 이해

- 기업가정신의 핵심역량 이해와 실습

- 기업가정신 사례 고찰

- 창의적 사고에 의한 기회인식 및 문제해결

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Emergence of Entrepreneurship 1. entrepreneurship definitions 2. entrepreneurial mindset Entrepreneurship evolves due to various factors. There are different schools of thoughts on the evolution of the entrepreneurship. • Macro View – Environmental Factors (e.g., institutional, social) – Financial/Capital Factors (e.g., venture capital) – Displacement (e.g., necessity driven; political, cultural, economic forces) • Micro View – Trait (e.g., achievement, creativity, determination, family background, educational training) – Venture Opportunity (e.g., opportunity driven) – Strategic (unique market, people, products, resources) There is a range of different entrepreneurial types on the continuum of different motivations and orientations according to personal and environmental factors. They are necessity driven, conventional, creative, opportunity driven, and serial entrepreneurs. They differ in terms of their motivations on the entrepreneurial engagement, where necessity driven is ones who are pushed into entrepreneurship (survivalists, low scale business operators etc.), and serial who are the ones motivated to engage in establishing multiple business areas for high growth. URL
2. 비디오 Definitions of Entrepreneurship 1. Entrepreneur types 2. Cases • DEFINITIONS OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP found in theories. • “Entrepreneur” is derived from French “Entreprendre” and, literally translated, means “between-taker” or “go-between” (Hisrich & Peters, 1998) . • “to undertake, organize, manage, and assume risks of a business.” • “Innovator, developer who recognizes and seizes opportunities; converts opportunities into feasible ideas; adds value through time, efforts, money, or skills; assumes risks to implement these ideas; and realizes the rewards from these efforts.” • Schumpter (1934) Entrepreneurship is seen as new combinations including the doing of new things or the doing of things that are already being done in a new way. • Penrose (1959) Managerial services execute entrepreneurial services(ESs). Entrepreneurs provides ESs. • Kirzer (1973) Alertness to unnoticed opportunities; therefore, entrepreneurship is the ability to perceive new opportunities. “Entrepreneurial Discovery • Drucker (1985) Entrepreneurship is an act of innovation that involves endowing existing resources with new wealth producing capacity. • Rumelt (1987) Entrepreneurship is the creation of new businesses. New business meaning that they do not exactly duplicate existing businesses but have some element of novelty. • Low & MacMillan (1988) Entrepreneurship is the creation of new enterprise. • Gartner (1988) Entrepreneurship is the creation of organizations, the process by which new organizations come into existence. Entrepreneurship ends when the creation stage of the organization ends. URL
3. 비디오 Entrepreneurial mind-set Entrepreneurship in 3 perspectives • Entrepreneurship #1: Starting a small Business • Entrepreneurship #2: A mind-set • Entrepreneurship #3: Change the world URL
4. 비디오 How to change the world? How entrepreneur change the world & examples URL
5. 비디오 Team Exercise #1 How entrepreneur change the world & examples URL
6. 비디오 Entrepreneurial competencies entrepreneur traits & motivations URL
7. 비디오 Human Motivation factors In entrepreneurial process entrepreneur traits & motivations URL
8. 비디오 Team Exercise #2 Problem finding & defining URL
9. 비디오 Opportunity Recognition Problem finding & defining URL
10. 비디오 Creative Thinking Creative Thinking & Problem Recognition URL
11. 비디오 Areas of Creativity Creative Thinking & Problem Recognition URL
12. 비디오 Generating Ideas Creative Thinking & Problem Solving URL
13. 비디오 Morphological synthesis Creative Thinking & Problem Solving URL
14. 비디오 Entrepreneurial Venturing Business Ideation URL
15. 비디오 Venturing Process Business Ideation URL
비디오 Bunsiness Modeling Bunsiness Modeling URL
비디오 Business Model Building Marketing Entrepreneurial way URL
비디오 Research Design Entrepreneurial Marketing Strategies URL
비디오 Entrepreneurial Marketing Strategies Entrepreneurial Marketing Strategies URL
비디오 Financial resources & financial statements Financial resources & financial statements URL
비디오 Start-up Finance Financial resources & financial statements URL
비디오 Team Presentation Team Presentation URL

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