1. |
Development context
Developing countries: Poverty, illbeing and wellbeing, shelter, unemployment |
Case study presentation
Deprivation trap |
2. |
Saemaul Undong project
Saemaul Undong, Korean War, society conflict, poverrty, |
3. |
stakeholders in community / 아동공동생활가정
finding ways to co-ordinate community development |
4. |
The principles of community development
ethical principles, practical principles |
5. |
The outcome of community development& The community as main actor in community development
awarness creation, further development, community building |
6. |
community development workers and their organizations
operational strategy, relationship between community development workers and their organization |
7. |
신촌 재창조를 위한 노력, 향후 도시재생 추진 계획
2년전 신촌의 모습, 신촌 혁신 방안 |
strategic plan
identify local issue, intensive process benefit, infrasturcture problem, utility problem |
8. |
communication skills for the development worker
overcome the barriers to communication |
9. |
함께' 라는 이름의 무게, 그리고 열매 |
10. |
Confilict resolution, Mediation and Negotiation
causes of conflict Negotiation as conflic resoultion The ABC successful outcomes |
11. |
mobilization and motivation
opening questions, relationship between behavior and motivation |
12. |
operational writing
business plan, the ten sins of fundraising |
meeting cycle tyes of meeting& common problems encountered in meeetings |
13. |
Public speaking
prepariton, basic characteristics of effective verbal communication |
14. |
단절된 사회- 지역사회발전
협동조합: 단절된 사회를 하나로 |
15. |
지역 사회 배경&신보헤미안 문화프로젝트
지역 네트워크 활성화, |