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Find out why numbering your children, colour coding your files, and tidying to music can save you loads of time, and give yourself a break - get your students to do the teaching! Jo Parry, an experienced secondary teacher, presents a masterclass of tips for classroom management. First she explains the simple system she uses of assigning a number to each student to save her time in collecting, marking, selecting groups and plenaries. Jo then outlines a colour coding system which eliminates the need to hunt down and copy worksheets for pupils who have been absent. Jo's other timesaving tips include ways to cut down on the need to repeat instructions to classes, and a peer reviewing system that means the teacher can almost take the week off! Plus, we visit Emily Underhill's art class at Macclesfield High School to see how playing music can help speed up the tidying up.

Video Series: Time Savers
Release Date 2009

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